New Jersey Boy Read online

  Copyright Page

  Copyright © 2017 by M.A. LEE

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, scanning, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Please do not partake in or encourage piracy of copyrighted works in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting this author’s hard work.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to locales, events, or actual persons—living or dead—is purely coincidental.


  To anyone who has ever has experienced undeniable, unattainable, and unguarded true love- this is for you.

  Book Playlist

  Somebody Else Will- Justin Moore

  All My Love- Led Zeppelin

  In Case You Didn’t Know- Justin Moore

  Fading- Decyfer Down

  Crazy in Love- Beyonce and Jay’Z

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page


  Works by Author

  Book Playlist

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  New Jersey Boy


  I had never been struck speechless before in my entire life. I was always the girl known for her smart ass comebacks or opinions that no one else seemed to share. Throughout my short eighteen years on this planet, I had never seen anyone like him before. I had never found myself noticing the curve of a guys jawline or the way his tongue partially touched his lips as he spoke. And, I had never felt my heart flutter deep inside my chest, ever, before he unexpectedly arrived. Before entering my life, I never knew there was a missing piece to my soul. That was, until I discovered that Ryan existed in this world.

  The line full of hot and hungry golfers reached far beyond the door of the country club grill where I worked. Watching the line grow, I blew a loose strand of hair away from my eyes. I fanned my face as the summer heat flowed through the doors each time a customer hustled into the busy cafe seeking air conditioning and a nice stiff drink and meal. The air was thick and heavy from the scorching day's heat and now, as the sun began to settle beyond the horizon, I silently prayed for the coolness that the night air would surely bring. Working Friday nights sucked, and what was worse was that the other two girls who were supposed to work tonight’s shift with me had called in last minute. Of course, they would. So, on one of the busiest nights at The Grill, our small town’s only sit down restaurant acceptable to the country club elite, I was expected to take the orders of the hungry customers by myself. Great, I thought as I watched the line continue to grow.

  “Wow, that line is never going to end,” Reagan said, as she stopped by the register where I was stationed and waiting to take orders. Her fire red hair was pulled back and her emerald green eyes seemed to dance tonight as she looked throughout the hectic restaurant.

  “Tell me about it,” I said, as I rolled my eyes and handed change to the family of five who had just ordered their overpriced meals. The strong scent of grease and sugar mixed in the air and almost made me nausea as I took them in. My long wavy brown hair was swept up in a tight bun, allowing my neck to breathe. Our uniforms, which consisted of tight black pants and an even tighter shirt, were not in my opinion ‘family friendly’ for a family country club, but it did help the waitresses with their tips. This was definitely not where I wanted to be on a Friday night, especially in the last few weekends I had left of my summer break. Most of my friends were out partying while I was stuck at work.

  “I don’t know why you are complaining, you don’t need this job,” Reagan said as she grabbed a stack of plates from behind the counter where I was standing. “My rent is due next week and I had to pay to have my car fixed,” she said, as she faked a smile to the customers. “Besides, you and your family are members of this country club. Why aren’t you out there sitting by the pool having me wait on you instead of being stuck in here? You are crazy to choose this,” she said, as she waved her free hand around.

  Feeling bad, I hated that Reagan was in such a mess. She was only a year older than me, but her parents had kicked her out the day she turned eighteen. It was probably for the best since they weren’t really parents to her anyway, but I knew Reagan was doing the best she could as she attended a small community college in Lexington. Reagan and I had been friends since middle school, we were both on the soccer team and had bonded over our love of boy bands. While I had gone off to the State University, Reagan had been stuck here in our small town. I knew she didn’t understand my need to earn my own money. No one did. But, when you had assholes for parents like I did, you wanted to earn your own way in life and not have another reason to hold something else above my head. It was bad enough they were paying my tuition. That was why I decided to work during my summer break- I needed to feel confident and independent.

  “You are right,” I said, as I smiled at her. “We need to take next weekend off and have some fun,” I said as I waited for the man in front of me to give me his order.

  “Yes, I could use some fun,” Reagan said. “Especially, since you are leaving me in a few months to go back to college,” she finished, as she tried to force a smile. I knew it would kill Reagan when I left again, and it would hurt me too, but I had to leave this town if I ever wanted to achieve my dreams.

  “Umm, are you going to take my order or not,” Mr. Sanders asked, as he stood with his arms folded across his growing belly. He was a retired doctor and spent every free minute of his day on the golf course or in this grill drinking his weight in scotch.

  “Sorry,” I said, as I gave him my full attention. Reagan waved as she walked back to her tables. Waitressing wouldn’t be her job forever, Reagan was smart, beautiful, and determined and I knew she would be ok.

  The night continued on as I felt like a zombie as I repeated the same lines over and over again to the customers. All of their faces seemed to blur together as they one by one went through the line like a herd of cattle. Glancing at the clock above, I noticed it was almost nine. My shift would be up in fifteen minutes and I could go home and get ready. My friends Mariah and Ally had been texting me all night to go out with them when I got off work. The buzzing from my back pocket was about to drive me insane as I tried to focus on wearing a smile and being super polite as I worked the line. However, what I really wanted to do was tear out of there and enjoy my last few weeks of Summer Vacation. Mariah’s boyfriend had invited some friends to his house and they wanted me to come meet them. Which, knowing Mariah and Ally meant they were trying to set me up with some guy. It’s not like I don’t like boys; trust me I love them. It’s just that I am not willing to get attached to any guy and then have to leave them when I head to college in August. I just want to have fun and be free until I find my real freedom.

  As I noted the time, my eyes flirted around the line again and a smile found its way to my face as I noticed the line was finally dying down. A sigh left my lips and I felt my tension instantly leave my tiny frame. A smile crept over my lips as I realized I was reaching the countdown to the end of my shift.

  “Can I take your order?” I asked in an overly chipper tone. My eyes were fixated out the window as the reds and oranges of the fading sunset painted the now gray sky. In my min
d, I was outside enjoying that scene instead of trapped inside here. I swear, I felt like I was suffocating from the grease floating through the air.

  “Finally, you smile,” a voice said, from right in front of me.

  Cutting through my sweet fantasy, a voice so melodic and angelic that my head shot up, broke me out of my funk and back to reality. As I slowly floated back to earth, my breath faltered as I looked up to find him standing before me.

  I hadn’t even noticed him until he spoke, but once our eyes met I felt like all of the air in my lungs had been knocked out of me. Standing in front of me was the most amazingly beautiful boy I had ever seen in my life. His shaggy, dark brown hair was scattered all around his head and his dark blue eyes seemed to sparkle against the hanging fluorescent lights. He was tall, much taller than me and very tone.

  “What?” I asked, as the question just seemed to stumble out of my mouth. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him even though I knew I should.

  “I’ve been standing there for a while watching you and you haven’t smiled once,” he stated, as he continued to smile at me. “You almost looked like you were in another world,” he finished.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize I wasn’t,” I said as I suddenly felt embarrassed. I could feel my face burning as flames shot down my arms. This adorable guy probably thought I was some psychotically depressed freak.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he began, as he leaned forward, his body pressing against the counter that separated us. “You are just the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I just wanted to see you smile,” he said, as he leaned in to speak.

  Shock took over my body as I just stood there paralyzed and unable to speak. I have never been called beautiful by anyone other than my grandmother before, so his words really took me by surprise. Was he messing with me? I wasn’t sure. I mean, I’m not ugly. My long brown hair was always curled and styled neatly and my honey colored eyes always seemed to match my mood. I was petite and toned thanks to my years of playing soccer and love for running. I guess I was ok looking, but to hear someone like this guy call me beautiful had my warnings shooting up.

  “You don’t have to say that to make me feel better. I promise, I’m fine. I just am ready to get out of here,” I admitted, as I shrugged off his comments.

  “I know I don’t have to say anything to make you feel better; I don’t even know you. But, I just had to say that to you.”

  I lowered my head, trying to hide the deep blush that was appearing on my face. “Thanks.”

  Extending his arm, the boy offered me to shake his hand. “My name is Ryan. I am visiting Jack’s Creek for the next few weeks. My grandparents live here, but they are going to move up to New Jersey with my family. We are helping them pack up their house since it is for sale.”

  Shaking his hand, I couldn’t help but notice the tiny sparks that seemed to shoot throughout my body as our fingers touched. His sweet and spicy cologne filled my nose and suddenly all of the smells of the restaurant seemed to disappear instantly. “My name is Madelyn, I live here. Well, until August when I move to San Diego to attend college there. That’s cool that you are from New Jersey, I’ve never been there.”

  Nodding his head, Ryan held our shake longer than needed, but I wasn’t complaining. “You know; I would love to get to see around Jack’s Creek while I’m here.”

  “Sure, maybe I could show you around sometime,” I said before I knew what I was speaking. What was I thinking? This guy was hot, but I didn’t even know him.

  “Are you going to order soon, or are you going to stand around here and flirt all night?” an elderly man stepped closer to the register, invading our space and conversation.

  “I have to get back to work, it was nice meeting you Ryan,” I said as I turned away from Ryan and back to the impatient customer.

  Ryan’s eyes grew dark as he watched me turn away from him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched as he made his way to a table where a family was sitting. I suspected it was his family and as he sat down, I couldn’t help but notice him staring back at me. His smile seemed to linger in the air even after he walked away. Shaking off the strange sensations his stare caused in me, I finished up with my last customer before clocking out and running out to my car.

  I hated to leave without saying goodbye or giving Ryan my number, but I knew better than to allow myself to get attached to a guy, especially one who lives several states away and I will probably never see again. As I began to drive my red Honda Accord out of the parking lot, I took one last glimpse at the restaurant. Through the large glass windows looking into the dining area, I couldn’t help but notice Ryan staring at me as I drove away.


  I couldn’t seem to get Ryan’s face out of my mind. As I drove through our small town, I almost ran two red lights as his smile seemed to overtake my senses. Shaking my head, I tried to shake away the beautiful face and melody of his voice.

  “Get a grip, Maddi,” I said, to myself as I slammed on my breaks as I almost found myself running a third red light.

  Gripping the steering wheel to my Honda Accord, I turned and looked at the glowing neon lights of the Walmart parking lot. Even though it was late at night, the end rows were packed with cars and Ford trucks. In every small town across America, there is one hangout where all of the high school kids and newly graduated kids visiting from college go to hang out and just be free and young

  For our small town, it was the Walmart parking lot. Some of the rougher rednecks liked to rev their engines in the McDonald’s parking lot across the street, but that was a different story.

  I smiled to myself as I watched the groups of teens laugh and smile as they enjoyed the evening air. I remember spending my summer nights in those very same parking spots with my friends. As I watched a boy throw his arm around a girl, I remembered how many times Matt and I had stood there in that same embrace, believing we were in love. Just watching the teens have fun brought back so many memories that I almost felt my eyes beginning to flood with emotions.

  Refusing to get caught up in the past, I quickly wiped away any excess water from my eyes and bit my lip as I prayed for the stoplight to turn green. When I saw the light change, I floored my gas pedal and sped away from there as fast as I could.


  “Why are you so late?” Mariah yelled, over the stereo that was blaring in the corner of the room.

  As I stepped inside Michael’s house, I noticed Mariah hanging all over her boyfriend and host of this small party. “I told you I had to work, I literally just left work. I went home and changed and came straight here,” I argued, as I sat down on the couch beside her.

  Michael’s dad owned a small car dealership in town and he and Michael’s mom was always gone on the weekends, giving Michael the perfect opportunities to have wild and sometimes crazy parties.

  “That’s right, I forgot,” Mariah giggled, as she tossed her blond hair behind her shoulder. “Anyway, there is someone I want you to meet,” Mariah said, as she scooted closer to me on the couch. Pointing toward the kitchen, she noted a tall, athletically built boy with a military haircut who was currently chugging a beer.

  “Thanks, but I’m not interested,” I said, with a smile. I couldn’t seem to get Ryan’s face out of my head as I watched this cute guy in the other room. I knew I was being crazy. I should be having some fun. Hooking up with whatever hottie I could find, but that just wasn’t interesting me right now.

  “What’s going on?” Mariah asked as she eyed me carefully. “You seem different tonight.”

  Nodding my head, I tried to force a smile. “I’m fine, I promise. I just had a weird night at work,” I added as I hoped she would get distracted by someone else. All I had wanted to do was to come here and relax, to be a high school student with no worries or thoughts. Instead, I was doing exactly what I didn’t want to do. I was thinking about a boy and stressing over the upcoming graduation.

  “Oh. I don’t know how you stan
d to work at that place. It’s like treating people like animals,” she laughed.

  I couldn’t help but laugh too. She was right, working at the restaurant sucked, but it was better than the alternative. Staying home and listening to my parents fight all the time, or be stuck alone, was worse than working. I just had to stick it out a few more weeks and then I would be free; able to move as far away from everyone here and begin my life. The thought thrilled me and a true smile now grew over my lips.

  “That’s my girl,” Mariah said, noticing my smile.

  Pulling me toward her, Mariah pulled me off the couch. “Come on, let’s go dance.”

  As we made our way to the center of the large living room, I threw my hands up in the air and just danced with my friends. All my cares and worries seemed to fade away as the music took over and the world seemed to stop around me. This was exactly what I needed.


  The next morning, I woke early to the sun beating down on my face. I had stumbled home around midnight to find that my parents had decided to take a last minute weekend vacation. Great, I hope they at least left me some food in the house before they left.

  Forcing myself out of bed, I reached for my cell phone and powered it on. I had turned it off sometime last night at the party, not wanting to deal with the outside world.

  As my phone began to come alive, I saw several missed calls and texts from Reagan and one from a number I didn’t recognize. That wasn’t like her to blow up my phone like that. Anxiety washed over me as my mind began to spin with possibilities that something might have happened to her. Punching in her number, I nervously waited for her to pick up.

  “Hello,” Reagan answered groggily. It was clear I had just woken up her.

  I released a breath I had been holding and I allowed my body to relax. “Are you ok? You called me like a million times last night,” I said.